Email marketing can be most effective of all digital marketing tools as the emails reach directly into the user’s inbox. But nowadays due to rising competition and an increasing number of spammers, it’s become difficult to get people to open your email. You have to stand out from the crowd at the email subjectline itself. A catchy, well-constructed subject line not only prevents your email from getting dumped in the spam folder but also increases its chances of getting read. To write a good subject line will come to you through practice and backtesting past campaign results, but you can also get some help from following tools to achieve better clickability and deliverability.
1. Subject line
This tool is doesn’t play riddles with you. It gives straight score and suggestions to improve your Email Subjectline. In this you get an overall score for your subject line, see where and why you lost points, and advice for how to make it better. For example;
- No capitalization detected – 3 pts
- Contains any word that has more than 8 characters – 5 pts
- Does not contain sense of urgency – 15 pts
2. TestSubject
Long subject lines might get truncated on mobile devices. TestSubject is a simple tool for testing how your email subjectline and sender name look on the most popular mobile devices. Just copy and paste your text and you’ll get instant previews. Test before you send to be sure.
3. Subject line grader
This tool tests how attractive your subject line is and provides an overall numerical score on it, along with suggestions on how to improve it. You’ll also learn how close your character count is to the ideal length of 55-60 characters. Find out how your word mixture and balance measures up with this tool.
4. Spam Check
You spend time crafting your emails, and you don’t want them to get caught in someone’s spam folder, right? Just copy and paste your subject line, preheader text and sign off in this tool to find out what may trigger the spam filter. You can also use their lightweight JSON API and instantly integrate spam score processing in your app. This service is provided for free from Postmark.
5. Headline Analyser
This tool was built to analyze blog/article headlines, but it works just as well for subject lines. Headline Analyzer gives you an overall headline score and provides tips on structure, grammar, and word placement. Widely considered the gold standard in headline testers, this is definitely a tool to consider.
6. Hemingway app
The app highlights lengthy, complex sentences and common errors in different colours. If you see a yellow sentence, shorten or split it. If you see a red highlight, your sentence is so dense and complicated that your readers will get lost trying to follow its meandering, splitting logic — try editing this sentence to remove the red.
You can utilize a shorter word in place of a purple one. Mouse over them for hints. Adverbs and weakening phrases are helpfully shown in blue. Get rid of them and pick words with force, perhaps. Phrases in green have been marked to show passive voice. You can format your text with the toolbar. Paste in something you’re working on and edit away. Or, click the Write button and compose something new.
7. Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer
This free tool will analyze your headline to determine the Emotional Marketing Value (EMV) score. As you know, reaching your customers in a deep and emotional way is a key to successful copywriting, and your headline is unquestionably the most important piece of copy you use to reach prospects.
Your headline will be analyzed and scored based on the total number of EMV words it has in relation to the total number of words it contains. This will determine the EMV score of your headline. Will also determine whether your headline falls into the intellectual, empathetic or spiritual category.
Try these tools today, use them to design an upcoming campaign or keep them in favourites for future use.
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